Thursday 18/5 - Class and Workshop
Open Lunch Class (10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Well balanced ISHTA class with Meditation
Open Workshop - The Chakras (4 - 6:30 p.m.) 4:00-5:15 p.m. Lecture: Introduction to the Chakras This lecture will provide an overview of the seven major chakras and teach you how to integrate the chakra system into an individualized yoga asana practice. We will look at how the chakras govern specific aspects of body and mind, and ways to balance the chakras through proper alignment in asana. Both this morning and afternoon's practices are based on the teachings of Alan Finger and Katrina Repka's book Chakra Yoga: Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-being.
5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Asana Class: Chakra Balancing In this asana class we will explore the 7 main chakras and how to use ISHTA alignment principles to create a more balancing practice.
Friday 19/5 – Sunday 21/5 Teacher Immersion Join Yogiraj Katrina Repka in this 3-day immersion. Geared exclusively towards graduates of the ISHTA training and advanced teachers, this course will delve deeply into the philosophy and practices of the ISHTA lineage. Harness your innate teaching skills and refine your abilities to provide for your students in an even more integrated and authentic way.
Friday 19/5 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Asana and Annamaya/Pranamaya Kosha Practice 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30-4:00 Nyasa and Enlivening through Visualisation 4:00-5:00 Advanced ISHTA diksha
Saturday 20/5 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Asana and Manomaya KoshaPractice 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30-4:00 Samkhya and the Tattvas 4:00-5:00 Bhuta Shuddhi
Sunday 21/5 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Asana and Vijnanamaya/Anandamaya Kosha Practice 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30-4:00 The Different Levels of Consciousness and the Power of Intention 4:00-5:00 Nadi Bhedana
Katrina Repka Bio:
Yogiraj (Yoga Master) Katrina Repka has been studying yoga since 1990 and teaching since 2001. Her early training in her hometown of Calgary, Canada, was in the Ashtanga style, but she moved to New York in 2001 and became immersed in the study of ISHTA Yoga under the guidance of Alan Finger. Katrina teaches ISHTA workshops and retreats all over the world, but is based in London, UK where she leads teacher trainings, classes, and workshops.
Katrina holds a BA and MSC (Communications), and is the co-author (with Alan Finger) and featured model of Chakra Yoga: Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-being, and Breathing Space: Twelve Lessons for the Modern Woman. She has been featured in numerous publications including Vogue, Elle, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph, and as a yoga expert on BBC TV and radio.
Pricing May 18-21
Thursday 10.30-12.00 am, open class 350 kr
Thursday 16.00-18.30, Chakra workshop, open class 600 kr
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10.30 am -5.00 pm Immersion for advanced + teachers 4.800 kr
One day only (Friday/ Saturday/Sunday) 2.000 kr
We need at least 9 participants for the work shop to take place